In Search of the Objective Reality

My Search of the Objective Reality

Sunday, January 30, 2005

Following the Reality Thread...

To carry on my analysis of the reality, let me simplify a few things so you can better understand my point. Let's imagine for a moment that there are 100 elements. Further, we need to have an observer to determine the reality. Let's assume we have a singular observer. Now, our observer is watching the elements, but it can only perceive, say, 33 of them. In case you wonder, I chose this number for a reason. I'll explain that reason in due time. Thus its reality encompasses only 1/3 of the whole. There is a number of reasons why our observer sees only part of the whole. It can be the result of state it is in or it can be the result of imperfections of its perception aparatus (these can be externally or self created), or finally it can be its choice not to see. In our example we have the reality encompassing only portion of the whole due to our observer's condition. Despite the fact that our observer notices only 1/3 of the whole and for this observer the remaining 2/3 effectively does not exist, still the 2/3 of the whole is there constituting together with the observable 1/3 the whole reality. Thus, it seems that in this example we have apparently 2 realities: the one that consists of 100 elements and the one that consists of 33 elements. However, in actuality there is only 1 reality, that of 100 elements, and the other is only illusory and exists merely as the consequence of observer's inability to perceive the whole.

Now, we have a curious situation here. Who is there to recognize the illusory nature of this 33 element reality? Clearly, another observer, but one, who is able to see all 100 elements. In relation to the first observer, the nature of this second observer is that of a superobserver. Therefore, existence of the 100 element reality, the all-encompassing reality, or the whole, implies existence of an observer, our superobserver, capable of seeing the whole of the reality, or the reality as it is.

On the side, we can wonder if there exists a relationship between the superobserver and the observer? And if there indeed exists one, what type it is. Also if there is not one observer, but many or even infinite number of observers defining equivalent number of partial realities. How such realities interact? Do they expand or contract, or maybe merge? I will get to these issues later on.

Now, my pondering has brought us to the point, where we can see that there is ONE all-encompassing reality with its superobserver. All other realities are only parts of this reality due to the state of observer or observers. We could call this reality the ultimate reality, all that is, but I choose to call it the OBJECTIVE reality.

I leave the reader to ponder the above at his or her leisure...



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